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RELV – / relv / noun: From the Estonian language meaning ‘Weapon’. Our tagline is WEAPONIZED CAMOUFLAGE and the logo is the RELV Blade.
We design ‘WEAPONIZED CAMOUFLAGE’ solutions. RELV patterns present with an aesthetic that transcends the camouflage patterns currently found in the Outdoor, Fashion, Hunting, and Tactical markets. We utilize proven graphic design principles and creative muscle. We strive for unique style, and effective concealment solutions for the field.
RELV LLC was founded on Aug 1, 2017. RELV is owned by Curt Liddle, a professional Designer and Creative Director, with over 24 years of experience. His portfolio includes work for the United States Army, the United Stated Navy, SpaceX, Toyota, Disney, Microsoft, Hasbro, Bell Textron, Electronic Arts and many more.
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